Extracting Traditional Photometry and Astrometry
Though not its primary purpose, you can use Octofitter to extract traditional astrometry and photometry from one or more images. This uses the functionality in the Fit Orbits to Images tutorial, but with a much simpler model.
Instead of fitting an entire orbit, we will simply fit an X / Y position and brightness.
Start by loading your images:
using Octofitter
using OctofitterImages
using Distributions
using Pigeons
using AstroImages
using CairoMakie
# Load individual iamges
# image1 = load("image1.fits")
# image2 = load("image2.fits")
# Or slices from a cube:
# cube = load("cube1.fits")
# image1 = cube[:,:,1]
# Download sample images from GitHub
# Or multi-extension FITS (this example)
image = AstroImages.load("HR8799-2021.fits")

You can preview the image using imview
from AstroImages:

Note that to accurately extract astrometry and photometry, the input image should have already been convolved with the star or planet point spread function. If this isn't available, a convolution by a Gaussian or Airy disk might be an acceptable approximation.
Build the model
First, we create a table of our image data that will be attached to the Planet
imglike = ImageLikelihood(
image=AstroImages.recenter(image), platescale=9.971,
OctofitterImages.ImageLikelihood Table with 6 columns and 1 row:
band image platescale epoch contrast ⋯
1 │ L [NaN NaN NaN NaN Na… 9.971 59215.0 218-element extrapo… ⋯
Note that you can also supply a contrast curve or map directly. If not provided, a simple contrast curve will be calculated directly from the data.
Next create the simplest possible model of 2D position, plus a contrast variable matching the band name used in the ImageLikelihood
@planet b Visual{FixedPosition} begin
sep ~ Uniform(0, 2000)
pa ~ Uniform(0,2pi)
# Contrast ratio
L ~ Uniform(0, 1)
end imglike
@system sys begin
plx = 24.4620
end b
model = Octofitter.LogDensityModel(sys, verbosity=4)
LogDensityModel for System sys of dimension 3 and 1 epochs with fields .ℓπcallback and .∇ℓπcallback
Sample from the model (locally)
If you already know where the planet is and you only want to extract astrometry from that known location, you can specify a starting point and use hamiltonian monte carlo as follows. This will be very very fast.
model.starting_points = model.link.([
[1704, deg2rad(70.63), 1e-4]
chain = octofit(model, iterations=10000)
Chains MCMC chain (10000×17×1 Array{Float64, 3}):
Iterations = 1:1:10000
Number of chains = 1
Samples per chain = 10000
Wall duration = 4.51 seconds
Compute duration = 4.51 seconds
parameters = plx, b_sep, b_pa, b_L
internals = n_steps, is_accept, acceptance_rate, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, tree_depth, numerical_error, step_size, nom_step_size, is_adapt, loglike, logpost, tree_depth, numerical_error
Summary Statistics
parameters mean std mcse ess_bulk ess_tail rhat ⋯
Symbol Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 ⋯
plx 24.4620 0.0000 0.0000 NaN NaN NaN ⋯
b_sep 1705.5117 6.3691 1.1504 73.0786 40.8411 1.0350 ⋯
b_pa 1.2330 0.0020 0.0000 5279.9217 6637.2313 1.0008 ⋯
b_L 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 3085.9368 3435.0214 1.0007 ⋯
1 column omitted
parameters 2.5% 25.0% 50.0% 75.0% 97.5%
Symbol Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
plx 24.4620 24.4620 24.4620 24.4620 24.4620
b_sep 1698.7387 1701.9097 1703.7295 1706.6887 1724.5465
b_pa 1.2297 1.2314 1.2328 1.2345 1.2370
b_L 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001
Sample from the model (globally)
You could also try sampling across the entire image, without necessarily specifying a starting position. Note that if there are multiple candidates, taking the naive mean and standard deviation will average across all planets.
using Pigeons
model.starting_points = nothing # reset starting points
chain, pt = octofit_pigeons(model, n_rounds=11)
(chain = MCMC chain (2048×8×1 Array{Float64, 3}), pt = PT(checkpoint = false, ...))
Access results
samples_sep = chain[:b_sep]
samples_pa = chain[:b_pa]
println("The median separation is ", median(samples_sep))
The median separation is 1703.7365627618346
using CairoMakie, PairPlots