Loading and Saving Data
Loading Observations
For models with lots of data points, it becomes cumbersome to write all your data in your model script. Intead, you can load your observations (astrometry, proper motion anomaly, radial velocity, etc) from any Tables.jl compatible source. These could include a TypedTable, a DataFrame, a CSV file, an Arrow file, Excel, etc.
Here is an example of loading data from a CSV file:
using CSV
astrom = PlanetRelAstromLikelihood(CSV.File("astrom.csv"))
# Or equivalently
astrom = CSV.read("astrom.csv", PlanetRelAstromLikelihood)
The list of columns necessary for each type of observation are listed in the API documentation for e.g. PlanetRelAstromLikelihood.
This works for other observation types too:
pma = CSV.read("pma.csv", PropMotionAnom)
This pattern also allows you to load data directly from remote databases using any Tables.jl compatible library.
Once loaded, you can access the underlying table using e.g. astrom.table
Saving Chains
There are two ways you can save chains for later analysis. The first is a built in function that stores the chain and metadata into a FITS table. The second is converting the chain to a Table and saving it using any Tables.jl compatible package (CSV, Arrow, SQL, etc.)
Example: Saving with metadata to FITS Table
Octofitter.savechain("mychain.fits", chain)
chain = Octofitter.loadchain(fname)
Example: Saving to CSV
Converting chain to a TypedTables.jl Table (re-exported by this package)
tbl = Table(chain)
Converting chain to a DataFrames.jl DataFrame:
df = DataFrame(Chain)
Saving chains:
using CSV
CSV.write("chains.csv", tbl) # or df
using Arrow
Arrow.write("chains.arrow", tbl) # or df
You can also convert a chain object to general Array which you can save in any format you wish:
arr = Array(chains)