Hyperbolic Orbits
PlanetOrbits.jl has preliminary support for hyperbolic orbits. They are currently supported with KepOrbit
and CartesianOrbit
but not ThieleInnesOrbit
using PlanetOrbits, Plots
# Specify orbit with a Campbell parameters (KepOrbit)
orb = orbit(M=1, e=1.1, a=1, i=2, Ω=3, ω=1, tp=mjd("2024-01-01"));
sol = orbitsolve(orb, mjd("2024-3-01"))
plot(sol, tspan=mjd("2024-01-01") .+ (-300,100))
using PlanetOrbits, Plots
# Specify orbit with a state vector (CartesianOrbit)
orb = orbit(
x = 1.0,
y = 0.3,
z = 0.001,
vx = 0,
vy = 9,
vz = 0.0,
M = 1,
tref = mjd("2024-01-01")
sol = orbitsolve(orb, mjd("2024-3-01"))
plot(sol, tspan=mjd("2024-01-01") .+ (-300,100))