Fit Radial Velocity

You can use Octofitter to fit radial velocity data, either alone or in combination with other kinds of data. Multiple instruments (up to 10) are supported, as are gaussian processes to model stellar activity..


Radial velocity modelling is supported in Octofitter via the extension package OctofitterRadialVelocity. To install it, run pkg> add OctofitterRadialVelocity

For this example, we will fit the orbit of the planet K2-131 to perform the same fit as in the RadVel Gaussian Process Fitting tutorial.

We will use the following packages:

using Octofitter
using OctofitterRadialVelocity
using PlanetOrbits
using CairoMakie
using PairPlots
using CSV
using DataFrames
using Distributions

We will start by downloading and preparing a table of radial velocity measurements, and create a StarAbsoluteRVLikelihood object to hold them.

The following functions allow you to directly load data from various public RV databases:

  • HARPS_DR1_rvs("star-name")
  • HARPS_RVBank_observations("star-name")
  • Lick_rvs("star-name")
  • HIRES_rvs("star-name")

Basic Fit

Start by fitting a 1-planet Keplerian model.

Calling those functions with the name of a star will return a StarAbsoluteRVLikelihood table.

If you would like to manually specify RV data, use the following format:

rv_like = StarAbsoluteRVLikelihood(
    # epoch is in units of MJD. `jd` is a helper function to convert.
    # you can also put `years2mjd(2016.1231)`.
    # rv and σ_rv are in units of meters/second
    (;inst_idx=1, epoch=jd(2455110.97985),  rv=−6.54, σ_rv=1.30),
    (;inst_idx=1, epoch=jd(2455171.90825),  rv=−3.33, σ_rv=1.09),
    # ... etc.

For this example, to replicate the results of RadVel, we will download their example data for K2-131. and format it for Octofitter:

rv_file = download("")
rv_dat_raw =, DataFrame, delim=' ')
rv_dat = DataFrame();
rv_dat.epoch = jd2mjd.(rv_dat_raw.time)
rv_dat.rv = rv_dat_raw.mnvel
rv_dat.σ_rv = rv_dat_raw.errvel
tels = sort(unique(
rv_dat.inst_idx = map( do tel
    findfirst(==(tel), tels)
rvlike = StarAbsoluteRVLikelihood(
    instrument_names=["harps-n", "psf"],
StarAbsoluteRVLikelihood Table with 4 columns and 70×1 rows:
        inst_idx  epoch    rv        σ_rv
 1,1  │ 1         57782.2  -6682.78  3.71
 2,1  │ 1         57783.1  -6710.55  5.95
 3,1  │ 1         57783.2  -6698.96  8.76
 4,1  │ 1         57812.1  -6672.32  4.0
 5,1  │ 1         57812.2  -6672.0   4.22
 6,1  │ 1         57812.2  -6690.31  4.63
 7,1  │ 1         57813.0  -6701.27  4.12
 8,1  │ 1         57813.1  -6700.71  5.34
 9,1  │ 1         57813.1  -6695.97  3.67
 10,1 │ 1         57813.1  -6705.87  4.23
 11,1 │ 1         57813.1  -6694.27  5.12
 12,1 │ 1         57813.2  -6699.99  5.0
 13,1 │ 1         57813.2  -6696.17  10.43
 14,1 │ 1         57836.0  -6675.4   7.03
 15,1 │ 1         57836.0  -6665.92  7.48
 16,1 │ 1         57836.0  -6661.9   6.03
 17,1 │ 1         57836.1  -6657.92  5.08
  ⋮   │    ⋮         ⋮        ⋮        ⋮

Now, create a planet. We can use the RadialVelocityOrbit type from PlanetOrbits.jl that requires fewer parameters (eg no inclination or longitude of ascending node). We could instead use a Visual{KepOrbit} or similar if we wanted to include these parameters and visualize the orbit in the plane of the sky.

@planet b RadialVelocityOrbit begin
    e = 0
    ω = 0.0

    # To match RadVel, we set a prior on Period and calculate semi-major axis from it
    P ~ truncated(Normal(0.3693038/365.256360417, 0.0000091/365.256360417),lower=0.00001)
    a = cbrt(system.M * b.P^2) # note the equals sign.

    τ ~ UniformCircular(1.0)
    tp = b.τ*b.P*365.256360417 + 57782 # reference epoch for τ. Choose an MJD date near your data.

    # minimum planet mass [jupiter masses]. really m*sin(i)
    mass ~ LogUniform(0.001, 10)

@system k2_132 begin
    # total mass [solar masses]
    M ~ truncated(Normal(0.82, 0.02),lower=0) # (Baines & Armstrong 2011).

    rv0 ~ Product([
        # HARPS-N
        Normal(-6693,100), # m/s
        # FPS
        Normal(0,100), # m/s
    jitter ~ Product([
        LogUniform(0.1,100), # m/s
        LogUniform(0.1,100), # m/s
end rvlike b
System model k2_132
  M	Truncated(Distributions.Normal{Float64}(μ=0.82, σ=0.02); lower=0.0)
  rv0	Distributions.Product{Distributions.Continuous, Distributions.Normal{Float64}, Vector{Distributions.Normal{Float64}}}(v=Distributions.Normal{Float64}[Distributions.Normal{Float64}(μ=-6693.0, σ=100.0), Distributions.Normal{Float64}(μ=0.0, σ=100.0)])
  jitter	Distributions.Product{Distributions.Continuous, Distributions.LogUniform{Float64}, Vector{Distributions.LogUniform{Float64}}}(v=Distributions.LogUniform{Float64}[Distributions.LogUniform{Float64}(a=0.1, b=100.0), Distributions.LogUniform{Float64}(a=0.1, b=100.0)])
Planet b
  e, ω, a, τ, tp, 
  P	Truncated(Distributions.Normal{Float64}(μ=0.001011081092683449, σ=2.4914008313533153e-8); lower=1.0e-5)
  τy	Distributions.Normal{Float64}(μ=0.0, σ=1.0)
  τx	Distributions.Normal{Float64}(μ=0.0, σ=1.0)
  mass	Distributions.LogUniform{Float64}(a=0.001, b=10.0)
Octofitter.UnitLengthPrior{:τy, :τx}: √(τy^2+τx^2) ~ LogNormal(log(1), 0.02)

StarAbsoluteRVLikelihood Table with 4 columns and 70×1 rows:
        inst_idx  epoch    rv        σ_rv
 1,1  │ 1         57782.2  -6682.78  3.71
 2,1  │ 1         57783.1  -6710.55  5.95
 3,1  │ 1         57783.2  -6698.96  8.76
 4,1  │ 1         57812.1  -6672.32  4.0
 5,1  │ 1         57812.2  -6672.0   4.22
 6,1  │ 1         57812.2  -6690.31  4.63
 7,1  │ 1         57813.0  -6701.27  4.12
 8,1  │ 1         57813.1  -6700.71  5.34
 9,1  │ 1         57813.1  -6695.97  3.67
 10,1 │ 1         57813.1  -6705.87  4.23
 11,1 │ 1         57813.1  -6694.27  5.12
 12,1 │ 1         57813.2  -6699.99  5.0
 13,1 │ 1         57813.2  -6696.17  10.43
 14,1 │ 1         57836.0  -6675.4   7.03
 15,1 │ 1         57836.0  -6665.92  7.48
 16,1 │ 1         57836.0  -6661.9   6.03
 17,1 │ 1         57836.1  -6657.92  5.08
  ⋮   │    ⋮         ⋮        ⋮        ⋮

Note how the rvlike object was attached to the k2_132 system instead of the planet. This is because the observed radial velocity is of the star, and is caused by any/all orbiting planets.

The rv0 and jitter parameters specify priors for the instrument-specific offset and white noise jitter standard deviation. The _i index matches the inst_idx used to create the observation table.

Note also here that the mass variable is really msini, or the minimum mass of the planet.

We can now prepare our model for sampling.

model = Octofitter.LogDensityModel(k2_132)
LogDensityModel for System k2_132 of dimension 9 with fields .ℓπcallback and .∇ℓπcallback


using Random
rng = Random.Xoshiro(0)

chain = octofit(rng, model)
Chains MCMC chain (1000×27×1 Array{Float64, 3}):

Iterations        = 1:1:1000
Number of chains  = 1
Samples per chain = 1000
Wall duration     = 37.09 seconds
Compute duration  = 37.09 seconds
parameters        = M, rv0_1, rv0_2, jitter_1, jitter_2, b_P, b_τy, b_τx, b_mass, b_e, b_ω, b_a, b_τ, b_tp
internals         = n_steps, is_accept, acceptance_rate, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, tree_depth, numerical_error, step_size, nom_step_size, is_adapt, loglike, logpost, tree_depth, numerical_error

Summary Statistics
  parameters         mean       std      mcse    ess_bulk   ess_tail      rhat ⋯
      Symbol      Float64   Float64   Float64     Float64    Float64   Float64 ⋯

           M       0.8193    0.0195    0.0006   1285.5216   740.0623    1.0001 ⋯
       rv0_1   -6693.6339    2.5011    0.0763   1064.9995   777.6055    1.0074 ⋯
       rv0_2       1.5283    3.3251    0.1098    921.3913   636.5256    1.0007 ⋯
    jitter_1      14.0045    2.0882    0.0672   1079.8779   636.8365    1.0014 ⋯
    jitter_2      17.6918    2.6934    0.0910    884.5163   743.7114    0.9996 ⋯
         b_P       0.0010    0.0000    0.0000   1060.7258   535.9508    1.0013 ⋯
        b_τy       0.7292    0.1759    0.0063    875.6661   490.2580    1.0025 ⋯
        b_τx      -0.6545    0.1836    0.0070    738.0436   567.3051    1.0010 ⋯
      b_mass       0.0412    0.0091    0.0003   1015.0473   787.3716    0.9990 ⋯
         b_e       0.0000    0.0000       NaN         NaN        NaN       NaN ⋯
         b_ω       0.0000    0.0000       NaN         NaN        NaN       NaN ⋯
         b_a       0.0094    0.0001    0.0000   1285.4258   740.0623    1.0000 ⋯
         b_τ      -0.1165    0.0374    0.0015    650.5123   403.0202    1.0095 ⋯
        b_tp   57781.9570    0.0138    0.0006    650.5322   403.0202    1.0096 ⋯
                                                                1 column omitted

  parameters         2.5%        25.0%        50.0%        75.0%        97.5%
      Symbol      Float64      Float64      Float64      Float64      Float64

           M       0.7816       0.8061       0.8190       0.8321       0.8596
       rv0_1   -6698.6984   -6695.2325   -6693.4983   -6691.8760   -6689.1283
       rv0_2      -4.7429      -0.6659       1.5020       3.7206       8.3080
    jitter_1      10.7305      12.5435      13.8325      15.1425      18.7317
    jitter_2      13.1840      15.8172      17.4754      19.1940      23.8477
         b_P       0.0010       0.0010       0.0010       0.0010       0.0010
        b_τy       0.3444       0.6170       0.7449       0.8426       1.0368
        b_τx      -0.9755      -0.7764      -0.6609      -0.5417      -0.2472
      b_mass       0.0246       0.0349       0.0416       0.0477       0.0586
         b_e       0.0000       0.0000       0.0000       0.0000       0.0000
         b_ω       0.0000       0.0000       0.0000       0.0000       0.0000
         b_a       0.0093       0.0094       0.0094       0.0095       0.0096
         b_τ      -0.1908      -0.1407      -0.1155      -0.0934      -0.0414
        b_tp   57781.9295   57781.9481   57781.9573   57781.9655   57781.9847

Excellent! Let's plot the maximum likelihood orbit:

using CairoMakie: Makie
fig = OctofitterRadialVelocity.rvpostplot(model, chain) # saved to "k2_132-rvpostplot.png"
Example block output

We can also plot a number of samples from the posterior:

using CairoMakie: Makie
octoplot(model, chain)
Example block output

Create a corner plot:

using PairPlots
using CairoMakie: Makie
octocorner(model, chain, small=true)
Example block output

Gaussian Process Fit

Let us now add a Gaussian process to model stellar activity. This should improve the fit.

We start by writing a functino that creates a Gaussian process kernel from a set of system parameters. We will create a quasi-periodic kernel.

using AbstractGPs

function gauss_proc_quasi_periodic(θ_system)
    # θ_system is a named tuple of variable values for this posterior draw.
    η₁ = θ_system.gp_η₁ # h
    η₂ = θ_system.gp_η₂ # λ
    η₃ = θ_system.gp_η₃ # θ
    η₄ = θ_system.gp_η₄ # ω
    kernel = η₁^2 *
        (SqExponentialKernel() ∘ ScaleTransform(1/(η₂))) *
        (PeriodicKernel(r=[η₄]) ∘ ScaleTransform(1/(η₃)))
    gp = GP(kernel)
    return gp
gauss_proc_quasi_periodic (generic function with 1 method)

Now provide this function when we construct our likelihood object:

rvlike = StarAbsoluteRVLikelihood(rv_dat,
    instrument_names=["harps-n", "psf"],
    gaussian_process = gauss_proc_quasi_periodic
StarAbsoluteRVLikelihood Table with 4 columns and 70×1 rows:
        inst_idx  epoch    rv        σ_rv
 1,1  │ 1         57782.2  -6682.78  3.71
 2,1  │ 1         57783.1  -6710.55  5.95
 3,1  │ 1         57783.2  -6698.96  8.76
 4,1  │ 1         57812.1  -6672.32  4.0
 5,1  │ 1         57812.2  -6672.0   4.22
 6,1  │ 1         57812.2  -6690.31  4.63
 7,1  │ 1         57813.0  -6701.27  4.12
 8,1  │ 1         57813.1  -6700.71  5.34
 9,1  │ 1         57813.1  -6695.97  3.67
 10,1 │ 1         57813.1  -6705.87  4.23
 11,1 │ 1         57813.1  -6694.27  5.12
 12,1 │ 1         57813.2  -6699.99  5.0
 13,1 │ 1         57813.2  -6696.17  10.43
 14,1 │ 1         57836.0  -6675.4   7.03
 15,1 │ 1         57836.0  -6665.92  7.48
 16,1 │ 1         57836.0  -6661.9   6.03
 17,1 │ 1         57836.1  -6657.92  5.08
  ⋮   │    ⋮         ⋮        ⋮        ⋮

We create a new system model with added parameters gp_η₁ etc for the Gaussian process fit.

gp_explength_mean = 9.5*sqrt(2.) # sqrt(2)*tau in Dai+ 2017 [days]
gp_explength_unc = 1.0*sqrt(2.)
gp_perlength_mean = sqrt(1. /(2. *3.32)) # sqrt(1/(2*gamma)) in Dai+ 2017
gp_perlength_unc = 0.019
gp_per_mean = 9.64 # T_bar in Dai+ 2017 [days]
gp_per_unc = 0.12

# No change to planet model
@planet b RadialVelocityOrbit begin
    e = 0
    ω = 0.0
    P ~ truncated(Normal(0.3693038/365.25, 0.0000091/365.25),lower=0.00001)
    a = cbrt(system.M * b.P^2)
    mass ~ LogUniform(0.001, 10)

    τ ~ UniformCircular(1.0)
    tp =  b.τ*b.P*365.25 + 57782 # reference epoch for τ. Choose an MJD date near your data.

@system k2_132 begin
    M ~ truncated(Normal(0.82, 0.02),lower=0) # (Baines & Armstrong 2011).

    # HARPS-N
    rv0 ~ Product([
        # HARPS-N
        Normal(0,10000), # m/s
        # FPS
        Normal(0,10000), # m/s
    jitter ~ Product([
        LogUniform(0.01,100), # m/s
        LogUniform(0.01,100), # m/s

    # Add priors on GP kernel hyper-parameters.
    gp_η₁ ~ truncated(Normal(25,10),lower=0.1)
    gp_η₂ ~ truncated(Normal(gp_explength_mean,gp_explength_unc),lower=0.1)
    gp_η₃ ~ truncated(Normal(gp_per_mean,1),lower=0.1)
    gp_η₄ ~ truncated(Normal(gp_perlength_mean,gp_perlength_unc),lower=0)

end rvlike b

model = Octofitter.LogDensityModel(k2_132; autodiff=:ForwardDiff)
LogDensityModel for System k2_132 of dimension 13 with fields .ℓπcallback and .∇ℓπcallback

Sample from the model as before:

using Random
rng = Random.Xoshiro(0)

chain = octofit(
    rng, model,
    adaptation = 100,
    iterations = 100,
Chains MCMC chain (100×31×1 Array{Float64, 3}):

Iterations        = 1:1:100
Number of chains  = 1
Samples per chain = 100
Wall duration     = 1357.7 seconds
Compute duration  = 1357.7 seconds
parameters        = M, rv0_1, rv0_2, jitter_1, jitter_2, gp_η₁, gp_η₂, gp_η₃, gp_η₄, b_P, b_mass, b_τy, b_τx, b_e, b_ω, b_a, b_τ, b_tp
internals         = n_steps, is_accept, acceptance_rate, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, tree_depth, numerical_error, step_size, nom_step_size, is_adapt, loglike, logpost, tree_depth, numerical_error

Summary Statistics
  parameters         mean       std      mcse   ess_bulk   ess_tail      rhat  ⋯
      Symbol      Float64   Float64   Float64    Float64    Float64   Float64  ⋯

           M       0.8200    0.0190    0.0022    70.6228    78.3393    1.0055  ⋯
       rv0_1   -6696.1039    9.0837    0.8283   119.6675   112.1358    1.0368  ⋯
       rv0_2      -9.9709    9.5439    1.1587    71.4481    41.0413    1.1092  ⋯
    jitter_1       0.3715    0.5176    0.0543    68.7626    78.3393    0.9943  ⋯
    jitter_2       4.8103    1.0415    0.1222    77.3964    17.2397    1.0297  ⋯
       gp_η₁      24.8792    3.5212    0.3283   109.8340    69.6192    0.9925  ⋯
       gp_η₂      13.6153    1.2569    0.1441    77.7819    58.9391    1.0091  ⋯
       gp_η₃       8.8543    0.8211    0.1673    25.7362    31.8676    1.0008  ⋯
       gp_η₄       0.3820    0.0156    0.0027    36.3375    33.2304    1.0178  ⋯
         b_P       0.0010    0.0000    0.0000    71.1714    76.6284    1.0656  ⋯
      b_mass       0.0213    0.0030    0.0003    98.3435    78.3393    1.0091  ⋯
        b_τy       0.6208    0.1026    0.0105    92.0745    74.7352    1.0332  ⋯
        b_τx      -0.7958    0.1043    0.0215    25.2635    35.6350    1.0352  ⋯
         b_e       0.0000    0.0000       NaN        NaN        NaN       NaN  ⋯
         b_ω       0.0000    0.0000       NaN        NaN        NaN       NaN  ⋯
         b_a       0.0094    0.0001    0.0000    70.6421    78.3393    1.0070  ⋯
         b_τ      -0.1445    0.0165    0.0017    86.6636   112.1358    1.0134  ⋯
        b_tp   57781.9466    0.0061    0.0006    86.6636   112.1358    1.0134  ⋯
                                                                1 column omitted

  parameters         2.5%        25.0%        50.0%        75.0%        97.5%
      Symbol      Float64      Float64      Float64      Float64      Float64

           M       0.7877       0.8059       0.8197       0.8341       0.8564
       rv0_1   -6715.4600   -6701.4539   -6695.7258   -6689.8379   -6680.0674
       rv0_2     -29.9679     -16.0618      -8.6449      -4.3451       6.4307
    jitter_1       0.0143       0.0332       0.1321       0.5145       1.7714
    jitter_2       2.2528       4.1947       4.8123       5.3132       6.7735
       gp_η₁      19.2658      21.8813      24.3038      27.9899      30.9067
       gp_η₂      10.9504      12.8017      13.6752      14.3220      16.1688
       gp_η₃       7.3791       8.0685       9.0398       9.3980      10.2704
       gp_η₄       0.3539       0.3715       0.3809       0.3920       0.4128
         b_P       0.0010       0.0010       0.0010       0.0010       0.0010
      b_mass       0.0163       0.0193       0.0213       0.0233       0.0278
        b_τy       0.4529       0.5356       0.6205       0.6881       0.8416
        b_τx      -1.0003      -0.8569      -0.7822      -0.7341      -0.6070
         b_e       0.0000       0.0000       0.0000       0.0000       0.0000
         b_ω       0.0000       0.0000       0.0000       0.0000       0.0000
         b_a       0.0093       0.0094       0.0094       0.0095       0.0096
         b_τ      -0.1754      -0.1528      -0.1468      -0.1336      -0.1124
        b_tp   57781.9352   57781.9436   57781.9458   57781.9507   57781.9585

For real data, we would want to increase the adaptation and iterations to about 1000 each.

Plot the results:

fig = OctofitterRadialVelocity.rvpostplot(model, chain) # saved to "k2_132-rvpostplot.png"
Example block output

Corner plot:

octocorner(model, chain, small=true) # saved to "k2_132-pairplot-small.png"
Example block output

It is expensive (per iteration) to fit Guassian processes. If you have many cores (or a cluster) available you might also try starting julia with multiple threads (julia --threads=auto) and using octofit_pigeons. Pigeons is less efficient with single-core, but has better parallelization scaling:

using Pigeons
chain, pt = octofit_pigeons(