Quick Start (@id quick-start)

This guide introduces the key concepts in Octofitter:

  • Likelihood objects to hold your data
  • @planet and @system models to specify variables, priors, and system architecture
  • Sampling from the posterior using MCMC
  • Plotting the results
  • Saving the chain

For installation instructions, see Installation.

Example: Fit a Single Planet Orbit

Load the required packages:

using Octofitter, Distributions, CairoMakie, PairPlots

Create a PlanetRelAstromLikelihood object containing your observational data. In this case its the position of the planet relative to the star, but many other kinds of data are supported:

astrom = PlanetRelAstromLikelihood(Table(
    epoch = [50000, 50120, 50240],      # Dates in MJD
    ra = [-505.7, -502.5, -498.2],      # [mas] East positive
    dec = [-66.9, -37.4, -7.9],         # [mas] North positive
    σ_ra = [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],          # [mas] Uncertainties
    σ_dec = [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],         # [mas] Uncertainties
    cor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]               # RA/Dec correlations

Define a planet model with orbital elements and their prior distributions:

@planet b Visual{KepOrbit} begin
    a ~ Uniform(0, 100)        # Semi-major axis [AU]
    e ~ Uniform(0.0, 0.5)      # Eccentricity  
    i ~ Sine()                 # Inclination [rad]
    ω ~ UniformCircular()      # Argument of periastron [rad]
    Ω ~ UniformCircular()      # Longitude of ascending node [rad]
    θ ~ UniformCircular()      # Position angle at reference epoch [rad]
    # Epoch of periastron passage
    # We calculate it from the position angle above
    tp = θ_at_epoch_to_tperi(system,b,50000)  
end astrom

Make sure to adjust the epoch 50000 above to match your most constraining data epoch.

Define the system with its mass and distance - see System Construction for more options:

@system HD1234 begin
    M ~ truncated(Normal(1.2, 0.1), lower=0.1)  # Total mass (solar masses)
    plx ~ truncated(Normal(50.0, 0.02), lower=0.1)  # Parallax (mas)
end b

That there are many different orbit parameterizations, each requiring different of parameters names. The KepOrbit is a full 3D keplerian orbit with Campbell parameters. Visual means that we have a defined parallax distance plx that can map separations in AU to arcseconds.

Compile the model into efficient sampling code:

model = Octofitter.LogDensityModel(HD1234)

Sample from the posterior using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (see Samplers for other options):

chain = octofit(model)

Visualize the results with orbit plots and a corner plot:

octoplot(model, chain)     # Plot orbits and data
octocorner(model, chain)   # Corner plot of posterior

Save the results to a FITS file (see Loading and Saving Data for other formats):

savechain("output.fits", chain)

Working with Dates

Convert dates to and from Modified Julian Days using these helper functions:

mjd("2020-01-01")     # Date string to MJD
years2mjd(2020.0)     # Decimal year to MJD
mjd2date(50000)       # MJD to date

Next Steps

See the Tutorials section for complete examples.