Fit Relative RV Data

Octofitter includes support for fitting relative radial velocity data. Currently this is only tested with a single companion. Please open an issue if you would like to fit multiple companions simultaneously.

The convention we adopt is that positive relative radial velocity is the velocity of the companion (exoplanets) minus the velocity of the host (star).

To fit relative RV data, start by creating a likelihood object:

using Octofitter
using OctofitterRadialVelocity
using CairoMakie
using Distributions

rel_rv_like = PlanetRelativeRVLikelihood(
    (epoch=5000, rv=-24022.74287804528, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=5100, rv=-18571.333891168735, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=5200, rv= 14221.562142944855, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=5300, rv= 26076.885281031347, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=5400, rv=  -459.2622916989299, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=5500, rv=-26319.264894263993, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=5600, rv=-13430.95547916007, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=5700, rv= 19230.962951723584, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=5800, rv= 23580.261108170227, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=5900, rv= -6786.277919597756, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=6000, rv=-27161.777481651112, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=6100, rv= -7548.583094927461, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=6200, rv= 23177.948014103342, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=6300, rv= 19780.94394128632, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=6400, rv=-12738.38520102873, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=6500, rv=-26503.73597982596, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=6600, rv= -1249.188767321913, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=6700, rv= 25844.465894406647, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=6800, rv= 14888.827293969505, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=6900, rv=-17986.75959839915, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=7000, rv=-24381.49393255423, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=7100, rv=  5119.21707156116, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=7200, rv= 27083.2046462065, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=7300, rv=  9174.176455190982, σ_rv=15000.0),
    (epoch=7400, rv=-22241.45434114139, σ_rv=15000.0),

    instrument_name="simulated data",
    jitter=:gamma # name of jitter variable to use
PlanetRelativeRVLikelihood Table with 3 columns and 25 rows:
      epoch  rv        σ_rv
 1  │ 5000   -24022.7  15000.0
 2  │ 5100   -18571.3  15000.0
 3  │ 5200   14221.6   15000.0
 4  │ 5300   26076.9   15000.0
 5  │ 5400   -459.262  15000.0
 6  │ 5500   -26319.3  15000.0
 7  │ 5600   -13431.0  15000.0
 8  │ 5700   19231.0   15000.0
 9  │ 5800   23580.3   15000.0
 10 │ 5900   -6786.28  15000.0
 11 │ 6000   -27161.8  15000.0
 12 │ 6100   -7548.58  15000.0
 13 │ 6200   23177.9   15000.0
 14 │ 6300   19780.9   15000.0
 15 │ 6400   -12738.4  15000.0
 16 │ 6500   -26503.7  15000.0
 17 │ 6600   -1249.19  15000.0
 ⋮  │   ⋮       ⋮         ⋮

See the standard radial velocity tutorial for examples on how this data can be loaded from a CSV file.

The relative RV likelihood does not incorporate an instrument-specific RV offset. A jitter parameter called can still be specified in the @planet block, as can parameters for a gaussian process model of stellar noise. Currently only a single instrument jitter parameter is supported. If you need to model relative radial velocities from multiple instruments with different jitters, please open an issue on GitHub.

Next, create a planet and system model, attaching the relative rv likelihood to the planet. Make sure to add a jitter parameter (optionally jitter=0) to the planet.

@planet b KepOrbit begin
    a ~ Uniform(0,10)
    e ~ Uniform(0.0, 0.5)
    i ~ Sine()
    ω ~ UniformCircular()
    Ω ~ UniformCircular()
    τ ~ UniformCircular(1.0)
    P = √(b.a^3/system.M)
    tp =  b.τ*b.P*365.25 + 6000 # reference epoch for τ. Choose an MJD date near your data.

    gamma ~ LogUniform(0.1, 1000) # m/s
end rel_rv_like

@system ExampleSystem begin
    M ~ truncated(Normal(1.2, 0.1), lower=0.1)
end b

model = Octofitter.LogDensityModel(ExampleSystem)
LogDensityModel for System ExampleSystem of dimension 11 and 28 epochs with fields .ℓπcallback and .∇ℓπcallback
using Random
rng = Random.Xoshiro(123)
chain = octofit(rng, model)
Chains MCMC chain (1000×29×1 Array{Float64, 3}):

Iterations        = 1:1:1000
Number of chains  = 1
Samples per chain = 1000
Wall duration     = 3.23 seconds
Compute duration  = 3.23 seconds
parameters        = M, b_a, b_e, b_i, b_ωy, b_ωx, b_Ωy, b_Ωx, b_τy, b_τx, b_gamma, b_ω, b_Ω, b_τ, b_P, b_tp
internals         = n_steps, is_accept, acceptance_rate, hamiltonian_energy, hamiltonian_energy_error, max_hamiltonian_energy_error, tree_depth, numerical_error, step_size, nom_step_size, is_adapt, loglike, logpost, tree_depth, numerical_error

Summary Statistics
  parameters        mean        std      mcse   ess_bulk   ess_tail      rhat  ⋯
      Symbol     Float64    Float64   Float64    Float64    Float64   Float64  ⋯

           M      1.2054     0.0993    0.0032   930.9540   786.8536    1.0002  ⋯
         b_a      1.2797     0.0389    0.0013   942.2525   720.1504    0.9996  ⋯
         b_e      0.1278     0.0984    0.0033   719.0320   539.8307    1.0008  ⋯
         b_i      1.5872     0.4484    0.0181   696.9473   795.5730    1.0053  ⋯
        b_ωy      0.0584     0.7241    0.0407   336.4811   589.1057    1.0010  ⋯
        b_ωx      0.0682     0.7001    0.0391   346.6255   704.3724    1.0030  ⋯
        b_Ωy      0.0638     0.7269    0.0418   323.1707   649.3709    1.0074  ⋯
        b_Ωx      0.0195     0.7001    0.0346   431.5938   774.1110    0.9992  ⋯
        b_τy     -0.0510     0.7142    0.0398   339.0060   678.9875    1.0007  ⋯
        b_τx     -0.0719     0.6998    0.0400   318.3490   664.4983    1.0043  ⋯
     b_gamma    109.6636   204.7931    6.5825   851.8009   697.5131    1.0061  ⋯
         b_ω      0.1453     1.7585    0.0886   447.8169   656.2286    1.0035  ⋯
         b_Ω     -0.0077     1.7481    0.0772   588.2423   695.6823    1.0076  ⋯
         b_τ     -0.0210     0.2972    0.0139   556.4650   767.7530    1.0014  ⋯
         b_P      1.3201     0.0248    0.0009   689.0794   743.9013    0.9995  ⋯
        b_tp   5990.0115   143.4618    6.7154   560.8385   745.7481    1.0013  ⋯
                                                                1 column omitted

  parameters        2.5%       25.0%       50.0%       75.0%       97.5%
      Symbol     Float64     Float64     Float64     Float64     Float64

           M      1.0170      1.1399      1.2028      1.2705      1.4110
         b_a      1.2032      1.2536      1.2792      1.3065      1.3570
         b_e      0.0055      0.0492      0.1063      0.1902      0.3641
         b_i      0.7930      1.2263      1.6147      1.9515      2.3415
        b_ωy     -1.0515     -0.6841      0.1485      0.7544      1.0945
        b_ωx     -1.0589     -0.5791      0.1200      0.7329      1.0663
        b_Ωy     -1.0697     -0.6594      0.1217      0.7738      1.0746
        b_Ωx     -1.0617     -0.6606      0.0173      0.7259      1.0629
        b_τy     -1.0725     -0.7500     -0.1402      0.6631      1.0345
        b_τx     -1.0692     -0.7466     -0.1428      0.5826      1.0541
     b_gamma      0.1210      1.1153     10.9876    100.1666    812.2740
         b_ω     -2.9957     -1.3158      0.2504      1.5598      3.0213
         b_Ω     -2.9922     -1.4667      0.0193      1.4279      2.9221
         b_τ     -0.4738     -0.2937     -0.0431      0.2486      0.4776
         b_P      1.2731      1.3033      1.3190      1.3363      1.3698
        b_tp   5770.7702   5858.5148   5979.3610   6120.6100   6232.7554
octoplot(model, chain, ts=range(4500, 8000, length=200), show_physical_orbit=true)
Example block output