This tutorial is currently a stub and will be expanded in future. In the meantime, if you have questions please open an issue on GitHub.
Calculating Pointwise Likelihoods
After you have defined a model and sampled from its posterior (eg. via octofit
), you can see how each datapoint is influencing the posterior via the following functions.
# already have defined `model` and `chain` ...
likelihood_mat = Octofitter.pointwise_like(model, chain)
is now a Nsample x Ndata matrix.
The columns are ordered the same as how the data are defined in the model.
You may see a few additional entries you didn't expect. Each UniformCircular
and ObsPriorAstromONeil2019
adds an additional likelihood object under the hood.
Pareto-Smoothed Importance Sampling
After you have generated the likelihood_mat
you can use the Julia package ParetoSmooth.jl to efficiently calculate a leave-one-out cross-validataion score. This technique takes a single posterior chain and, using the pointwise likelihoods, generates N_datapoints
new chains where each chain is adjusted as if that datapoint was held out from the model.
In broad terms, one might say that this test verifies that no individual datapoints are overly skewing the results.
using ParetoSmooth
result = psis_loo(
Plot like so:
using CairoMakie
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(
xlabel="data #",
ylabel="Pareto K"
scatter!(ax, result.pointwise(:pareto_k))
ax = Axis(
xlabel="data #",
scatter!(ax, result.pointwise(:mcse))
ax = Axis(
xlabel="data #",
scatter!(ax, result.pointwise(:p_eff))